APJA Holistic Healing

Auro – Ma – Ramalingam Trust.



Due to Supramental Truth-power in their Bodies and environment as felt by touch of their pictures, (Mother’s Pictureas in Her poise with joint palms taken on 15-8-64 and Vallalar’s picture in sitting posture or full picture with the halo of Grace-Light), one’s ignorant body too absorbs and retain it’s general power, if for a month the picture (laminated or as protected in a plastic cover) is kept touched by finger-tips of one hand during the intake of food or drinks, or by keeping food-plate or cup itself on it and touching them by both hands for a minute before intake. This promotes general health. After a month one’s body-power is felt or nearly equal with that of the picture.


his chart then guides as a divine computer in curing diseases. Purchase 36 colour ribbons, one meter in each, sew or pin by staple their pieces in the squares (around the four sides of the picture) so as to extend an inch outside. Extra size colour ribbon pieces like deep red, mauve-red, deep green, Indigo, Black, deep rose may be fixed at the backside of the respected squares – 3rd, 4th, 17th, 20th, 32nd and 33rd. black comes at the back of white. Each colour has a specific power as felt by touch. Body’s tissues, organs, glands and fluid-contents are of varied colours. White, violet, light mauve, deep blue, green, yellow, orange, golden, red, rosy-red, brown and greenish-golden are the twelve main colours to start with for therapy. If a colour becomes weak or deficient in the body, disease is attracted. If it’s colour-power is set aright disease gets cured or prevented. So, without pre-judging, first dowse or find out the deficient colours in the body. Keeping finger-tips of one hand or a thumb on the picture (on the head and body), touch each colour strip for half to one minute by a finger-tip or two of both hands. When gently removing the fingers from each colour, observe whether a force is felt in the head. If felt, that colour is normal in the body. If not it is deficient. Now lay the “deficient colour” ribbon across the said picture (or a Xerox of it). Keeping finger-tips of left hand on the ribbon, eat and drink by the right hand for a day or two or until that colour becomes normal. Disease gets cured, because foods and drinks get charged with that colour-power. If dowsing shows many deficient colours, verify them again for deficiency. For treatment, touch morning and evening their ribbons on the picture by finger-tips of both hands for a minute each, but take food charged by touch on one distinctive deficient colour at each time of food. If after two or three rounds of dowsing and treatment , any two colors persist to be deficient, their ribbons may be joined on the picture and touched on each side by dowsing the “deficient side”, and accordingly take food touching on that side of the joint ribbons – OR, by touch of the “deficient side” ribbon by left hand finger-tips and other by the right, and the food by thumbs for two minute before intake. If a single colour persists in deficiency, warm water for bathing or oil used for oil bath (e.g. gingely oil) may be charged with its colour-power by touch and applied on body and washed off after an hour. Or the ribbon may be tied around hands, especially around the fore-fingers. If pain, inflammation, or other disorder are felt in a localized part of the body, e.g., tooth, gum, knee-joint, eye, limbs, stomach etc., – keep one hand or fingers on the trouble-spot and dowse the deficient colours by colour chart and treat them accordingly by food as well as by local application of colour-charged water, milk or juice of sweet sathukudi orange.


Black, gray and slate as such as are unhealthy, or not so healthy colours. Red or deep red, and especially crimson red and rosy-red give heat to body and nervous system so as to cure cold and phlegmatic conditions (Kapha). Deep rosy-red cures in the long run nervous pains, rheumatic disorders, spondylitis, arthritis etc. Deep blue cures imbalanced vata of excessive nervous vibrations and energy; and deep rosy-red the weak or feeble vata. Green gives cooling effect and cures pitta state of excess heat and fever. Greenish-golden relieves nausea and biliousness. However, each has to treat oneself according to his or her deficient colours.


This therapy supports all medical systems. So, for a quick and complete cure, it can be combined with medical treatment, especially in infections localized or general – when green and its shades (13-19), rosy-green, indigo-green, magenta-green occur mostly as the deficient. In virus infections the mild black combination-colours also may be deficient, and they have to be used only as double ribbons for e.g., green (or it’s shade like olive green) on black, golden on black, blue on black, white on black, etc. Before treatment dowse the deficient colours, as they are likely to have changed on and after treatment by colour and by medicine. Dowse daily and treat accordingly. Excess treatment of greens will harm growth of normal cells of body. Also dowse the right types of suitable food (in cooked or pre-cooked state) by touching them on the picture or outside for e.g., sample packets of several kinds of pulses, cereals, vegetables, fruits, milk, curd, sugar, etc. Dowse likewise medicines and vitamins in powder or liquid form. If force is felt in the head on the break off of the touch, it is suitable and curative. If not it is to be avoided or sparingly used during ailment. Sugar and sweets are generally found unsuitable during infections.


In a state of temporary body-equality, dowsing cannot be done so long as it lasts in those who are used to deep meditation. After sometime of activity or by touching magenta-rose (Rose on Magenta) on deep blue for a minute, it can be done. Or, by keeping finger-tips of the left hand in touch with the two top corners of the said pictures, and on Her or his two eyes, dowsing of the colours can be done by the right hand. If body-equality becomes frequent, or otherwise dowsing could not be done, because all colour ribbons are felt flat or same and equal without the feel of power in the head, one shall write down repeatedly on a plain paper the Name-Mantra, “The Being Behind Superman Consciousness which once entered the body of the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram” or “Ananda Mayi mantra” or “Arut Perum Jyothi” mantra (or) APJA Vast Grace-Light Mantra”, and use it for dowsing purpose. Keep the mantra-paper on the picture of the chart and touch the paper by a thumb or finger-tips of one hand, when touching by fingers of the other hand the respective colour ribbons of the chart. Likewise, the Bija-mantra of Supramental Light of Grace, namely, “A`-U`-I`-O`-E` may be used. The five Bijas or letters respectively indicate Mooladhara (Physical base center), heart, naval, forehead and throat centers (Chakras). Another way is to touch by left hand finger-tips only south poles “S” of spiritual magnets given in the chart at the bottom of the picture viz., BSL (The Being of Supramental Light of Grace), SAT (Satchitananda) and ABT (Absolute Truth of Supreme Equality) while its middle fingers touch the picture, when dowsing the colour ribbons by finger of the right hand. (BSL or SAT magnets may be touched by a left finger on “S” and by the right on “N” for purpose of concentration. ABT so touched gives Supreme Equality. BSL, SAT and ABT touched together likewise, with left fingers on their “S” poles and the right on “N”, gives an integral harmony and power as in mantra-paper and its corners.


List of 36 Colours Arrangment :


1) Medium Red (Red on White) 2) Light Red (White on Red) 3) Red or Deep red) 4) Crimson red or Mauve-red) 5) Carmine or Rosy red (Deep rose on Deep red) 6) Maroon (Deep red on Brown or Red on Green) 7) Magenta (Red on Deep blue) 8) Orange (Red on Golden) 9) Bright orange (Rose on Golden) 10) Pale red (Light red on Coffee Brown) 11) Yellow 12) Lemon yellow (Yellow on Green) 13) Parrot green (Green on Yellow) 14) Medium green (Green on White) 15) Light green (White on Green) 16) Dark green (Green on Red) 17) Green or Deep green 18) Dusky deep green (Green on Deep blue) or Green on deep indigo 19) Olive green (Green on Golden) 20) Medium blue (Deep blue on White) or Indigo the bluish violet 21) Light blue (White on deep blue) 22) Violet (Deep blue on Red 23) Greenish-blue (Deep blue on Green) or Deep indigo on Green 24) Deep blue without Black mixed 25) Coffee powder brown (Deep blue on Golden) 26) Medium golden (Golden on White) 27) Light golden (White on golden) 28) Light orange (Golden on Red) 29) Greenish-Golden (Golden on Green) 30) Brown (Golden on Deep blue) 31) Golden (Yellow on Rose) or Deep Golden 32) White 33) Rose (Light golden on Magenta) or Pink which is pale Rose 34) Light mauve (Light blue on Rose) 35) Light brown (Light mauve on Golden) 36) Magenta-rose (Deep rose on Magenta).


Concentration Ribbons :


Meditation on the Supreme Being of Supramental Light of Grace may be done after touching for 10 minutes by finger-tips of both hands the following ribbons – Rose or Rosy-Red (Deep rose on Magenta), or the six basic colours in the order of Rose, Deep Blue, Green, Red, Golden and White (33-24-17-3-31-32) or the double ribbons as in (33-25-35-29-8-26) i.e., Light Golden on Magenta; Deep Blue on Golden; Light Mauve on Golden; Golden on Green; Red on Golden; Golden on White; but finally touching 36th (Deep Rose on Magenta). Another way for concentration is to keep touching during the said meditation, the top corners of a plain white paper, which was originally touched once during meditation time 10 to 10-30 A.M. on Darshan day of Sri Aurobindo Ashram (on 21st Feb., 24th Apr., 15th Aug or 24th Nov.) or between 7-30 to 8 P.M. on Punarvasu or Pushya (Gemini or Cancer) star day. It may be used for dowsing also. Colours, which for long persist to be deficient, may be touched during the meditation on such days. They become normal.


The purpose for which colours of the chart are touched shall be clear in mind, either for dowsing of the deficient colours, or for concentration or for general harmony and health of body. Only in the last case, ribbons may be touched, two or three together at a time for a minute with finger-tips of both hands by holding one hand behind the other, and keeping one thumb on the picture. For the purpose of convenience, the ribbons specially meant for concentration may be affixed in two or three rows at the back of the Colour Therapy Chart in its lower part, and particularly the double colour ribbons shall be fixed one on the other by staple pin on one side.


Colour Ribbon Therapy by colour-charged food may be supplement at one’s option, by tying of the “deficient” colour ribbon around the fore-fingers or by exposure to the needed colour light. The ribbon may be tied around each fore-finger so that one side or loose end of it may be in contact with the thumb, while its other side with the palm or other fingers. In place of ribbon, colour kerchief may be used and kept in one’s hand


Deep blue in both hands gives peace and equality to body as also to mind and relieves nervous pain and cures the disturbed vata, and helps to bring sleep and restfulness. Similar effects are obtained with Mauve-red ribbon in one hand and the Magenta in the other. Deep blue also may in addition be tied to both hands around fore-fingers to have additional effects. Intake of food charged with Deep blue or with “Magenta on Mauve-red” brings peace to body and they have curative effects in general.


If necessary, a torch light or a table-lamp may be covered with the deficient colour ribbon or cellophane colour paper or be fitted with the colour bulb, and the colour light may be directed and focused on the palms for 5 – 10 minutes, and then on the painful or inflamed part if any or 5 – 10 minutes. Colour light treatment has a quick effect on the system, and hence it may be had once in a day preferably in the evening before food, or 3 – 4 hours after food. Colour bulbs in 40w are available only in the main colours, Blue, Green, Red, Yellow and Orange. Cellophane colour papers are in Green, Yellow, Rose-red and Greenish-blue. Colour Therapy by food is more natural without side effects.


Colours are correlated with the three bodily humors – Pitta with green deficiency, Kapha with red, Vata excess with deep blue and feeble Vata with rosy-red. Those who practice colour ribbon therapy by food develop in due course of time a capacity to feel easily the disturbed vibrations of the three humors in three respective or distinct parts of each fore-finger – Vata in its top part, Pitta in its middle part and Kapha in its lower part. With fingers of one hand (other than thumb and fore-finger) kept on the picture or mantra paper, the humors are sought to be felt by touching each part of a fore-finger by tip of the fore-finger (or of thumb) of the other hand, and a disturbed humour if any will be felt especially on removing the tip. Thumb picks up even feeble pulsations. Another method is that with the tip of a thumb of one hand kept touching the mid palm of the other hand, one can feel the humour by touch of the respective parts of fore-finger by the tip of the other fore-finger. When the deficient colours are many, the above simple and new method of diagnosis – which is different from the pulse-reading of hands by indigenous and expert doctors – helps to determine the humour and the colour mainly affected and the tying of its ribbon around fore-fingers quickly acts to calm down or stop the disturbed vibrations and helps to know the correctness of colour. If the three parts of fore-finger do not show any vibrations, it indicates a general normal health.


Digestion depends on digestive heat or hunger of the normal Pitta. If digestive heat becomes less, Kapha state may begin. Vibrations of Pitta, Kapha and Vata in their excess can be understood by a study of the pattern of deficient colours, and treated accordingly by intake of food charged with the deficient colours in their turn, though food may be selected on the basis of heat-giving food like wheat, red gram, etc., for Kapha state, food with cooling effect like rice, green gram, etc., for Pitta state and the equalizing or balancing food (Samnakari) like milk, lentil or masurdal etc., for Vata, or the last kind along with the alternation of heat-giving and cooling foods.


Food may be selected also on the basis of six tastes – sweet, soury, saltish, pungent, astringent and bitter. The first three relieves Vata and its gaseous formations by taking sweet food added with a little soury and saltish tastes. The other three tastes would give rise to gaseous troubles or flatulence. The first three taken excess would result in cooling effects of Kapha. Kapha state is relieved by bitter, pungent and a little astringent tastes. These are the broad and general lines of guidance according to the dietetics of the age-old Siddha, Ayurveda and Unani systems of Indigenous Medicine, but these have to be here linked up with the colour ribbon therapy and whatever food is chosen or habitual it shall be taken in after charging it with the deficient colour. Books on material medica of food and dietetics giving medicinal and nutritive values of food including fruits and leafy vegetables greatly help to choose the right type of compatible food, as such books give also the classification of foods as hot or cold, as dry or wet as well as the degree or grade of such effects (Refer “Medicinal secrets of your food” by Dr Aman of Indo-American hospital, Mysore). If these details about various foods are cumbersome to remember and follow, compatible and incompatible food during illness may be dowsed in the manner suggested earlier before, and accordingly taken in with the deficient colour-power added to it. For the purpose of colour ribbon therapy even the intake of the habitual type of healthy food helps as the colour-power added to it makes it have a medicinal effect. Therefore colour therapy by food is fundamental and common to all systems of medicine including allopathy and homeopathy.

Courtesy: Vallalar’s Vision of Nuclear Physics and
Nervous System by T.R.Thulasiram, Published
by International Society for the Investigation of
Ancient Civilization, Madras, India.