How to feel the EBP(Environmental Body Power) of Swami Ramalingam?
– A practical illustration of feeling the EBP power or Vibration of Swami Ramalingam through the following pictures taken before and after the Dematerialization of his deathless body and entering into all the bodily environment of human beings
“I am in this body; Henceforth I will enter all the physical bodies” – Swami Ramalingam’s public statement before dematerializing his deathless physical body on 30-01-1874.
Man does not know the inner divinity of his soul, nor is aware of his outer environmental divinity which has been made possible since 1874 by Swami Ramalingam. Because of the universal EBP-UNO powers of divinity brought about around each individual by Swami Ramalingam since 1874, and due to the diffused universal manifestation of the supramental Light of Grace in the subtle-physical atmosphere of the earth, brought about by the Mother and Sri Aurobindo since 1956, the evolution of man will receive a quicker pace and is bound to change into a divine evolution of his life. So, man now can tackle the seemingly insurmountable problems created by anti-divine forces, by contacting the power of Grace-Light in his environ by fingertips held in the close environ of his body or by touching it in his photo as well as at the top corners, and remembering the Divine Being of Grace-Light at the same time. Evidently, in the light of the above findings, there is an active collaboration among the said three masters in enlightening man in his spiritual – physical evolution, and it is also corroborated by the fact that the same power as in UNO and Neyveli prevails in Auroville city, founded in 1968 by the Mother, and her photo taken on 15-8-64 (as in her poise with joined palms) also reveals the same power both in her body and environ.
This photo of the Prince of Wales taken in 1873, i.e. before the dematerialization of Swami Ramalingam is taken as a practical example to illustrate and demonstrate on the technique of feeling the EBP(Environment Body Power) vibration or power of Swami Ramalingam.
First, touch the picture of Swami Ramalingam with your finger tips. You will feel his EBP power like a vibration, feeling or presence around your head and throat region. If you can’t feel any vibration or power in Swami Ramalingam’s picture then you can’t feel his EBP power in other photos as well. But you can gain this faculty of feeling the EBP power by following certain yoga techniques as given in the foot note.
Next, touch the body environment of Prince Wales’s picture taken in 1873, i.e. before Swami Ramalingam’s dematerialization, with your finger tips or browser of your computer, You will not feel any EBP power in his environment.
Thirdly and finally, If you touch the body environment of this photo of Prince Charles taken after 1874, i.e. after the dematerialization of Swami Ramalingam, with your finger tips or the browser of your computer you will feel the EBP power.
Swami Ramalingam has manifested four ranges of spiritual-physical powers from his deathless body – EBP, UNO, SR Body and SR SAT Powers. His body disappeared in lieu of death, by a process of dematerialisation in the concrete presence of the Divine Being of Supreme Grace-Light at his place on 30th January 1874, and that with a pre-announced intention of his to enter into all the physical bodies. In fact, it is meant to lift every man directly into the free spiritual-physical atmosphere of the divine Spirit, by a transcendence at once of all religiosity and its shackling limitations of religious fanaticism, dogmatism, violence and secondary means of approach and seeking of the Divine through priesthood and religious symbols. The Swami strongly advocated the transcendence of all religions, as the only solution, but without emphasising religious equality or integration or co-operation of religions as an escape. He wanted to bring thereby the direct Rule of the Divine in the earthly life of man. Such a positive approach is made possible now, by directly relying on and utilising the EBP and UNO power around man. The Swami is carrying it out. EBP power around scientists the world over has intuitively helped them to contribute to the enormous new discoveries since 1974 and they are bound to lead to human unity. Man shall utilise the same power to transcend religious barriers in order to feel the true spiritual love and brotherhood for each other as world citizens.
EBP power around a person my be felt by bringing the palms closer and closer, or closer to each side of the body, at the face or waist, but without touching it. It is activated by touch and especially by smell of a flower (like white Aster, Rosy-red rose, Sweet Basil, Sweet Marjoram (leaf), Polyantha rose, yellow chrysanthemum) and is felt forcefully when the flower is kept aside, bringing an inward concentration as a result. EBP is also felt likewise when corresponding fingertips of both hands are brought close to each other but without touch. It grows into UNO or SR Body-power according as the same is done with extended hands at different distances. EBP power is more readily felt if one touches first in one’s photo his or her ignorant body of negligible power for 2-3 minutes, and then touch by a finger-tip on the close environ of body. It comes to be surely felt by repeated alternate touching of body and its close environs. The same EBP power is very much active collectively in the healing congregations of the masses in a public place, when it is made open to people of all religions.
EBP-UNO powers of the Swami Ramalingam surrounds even all saints and Yogis who are born or lived or living after 1874, and it can be felt only at top corners of their picture as for example, in the case of Ramana Maharishi, Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Aurobindo etc.
However, in a few persons who are cruel and violent in nature like Hitler or who have gone mad (i.e. a case of spirit-possession), EBP power is weakened and hence not felt, but their UNO power is felt intact at the top corners of their picture which can be utilised with hope and promise to correct, recover and redeem them, and to strengthen and activate their EBP also.
Courtesy : Vallalar’s Vision of Nuclear Physics and the Nervous System by Sri T.R.Thulasiram.
Editor’s Note on developing the faculty of feeling the EBP power:
Usually, those who are meditating regularly or have some spiritual opening in their body consciousness can easily feel the EBP power by merely touching at the corner of the photos or with the cursor of the computer placed around the bodily environment of the person. However, If you can’t feel the EBP power for any reasons then you can easily gain this faculty by following the following simple spiritual practices published in this website:
1. APJA-Yoga of Magnet
2. APJA-Yoga of Food
Of the above two, APJA-Yoga of Food is quite helpful and easily done while taking our regular food. Through this technique your body will gradually absorb Swami Ramalingam’s Grace-Light power.
In addition to the above, you can also keep your recently taken photo alongwith Swami Ramalingam’s picture touching the wireline, and a zero watts electric bulb lighting the two pictures for 24 hours, as illustrated in the following picture. It should be mentioned here that while practicing the APJA-Yoga of Food one should avoid taking any kind of Non-vegetarian diet.