Foreward by Dr.N.Mahalingam
“All Beings Shall Live Blissfully”
Sakthi Group Of Companies
72, Mount Road, Guindy,
Chennai -600032
Sri Thulasiram has been serving in Sri Aurobindo Ashram as it’s auditor for a long time and he is devoted to Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga.
After awakening and revolutionizing the slumbering freedom movement throughout India, Sri Aurobindo came to Pondicherry in 1910 to establish the Supramental yoga. Hundreds of his followers joined him in this eternal spiritual journey thus forming as an ashram community.
Mothers’ arrival from Paris in 1914 further saw the nucleus of the spiritual community well established with several sadhakas or spiritual aspirants joined the ashram after dedicating their lives, careers and material wealth. Sri Aurobindos’ center of education was established for the children of ashram inmates.
Sri Aurobindo and Mother were doing intense efforts (tapasya) in brining down the Supramental Light from the highest realms of Supreme Divine (Satchitananda – Existence, Consciousness and Bliss) and manifesting on the earth consciousness. At present there are around 2000 sadhakas or spiritual aspirants living in the ashram
Sri Thularisam’s father Sri T.K.Rama was a well-known Gandhian-Politician and former elected member of the Tamil Nadu Legislative assembly. Having devoted his life to the spiritual practices Thulasiram studied Vallalar’s spiritual literature and often visited and meditated in Vadulur and stayed at Siddhi Valagam Temple (Temple of Deathless Divine Realization) in Mettukuppam, which is 120 kilometers off Pondicherry, where Swami Ramalingam lived and dematerialized his divinized triple deathless body.
I came to know and met Thulasiram in this way when he had requested me that proper staying facilities should be organized in Siddhi Valagam Temple in Mettukuppam village, where Vallalars’ dematerialized deathless divine grace power is still concretely functioning and easily felt at the gross physical level by any spiritual aspirant. Since 1964, I have been conducting Vallalar-Gandhi annual seminar program in Chennai for one week in every year with the help of Giridhari Prasad, Tamil Vannan and Bhagirathan. Sri A.V.M. Meiyappa Chettiar donated his A.V.M.Rajeswari Hall for conducting this function.
Since 1970, Thulasiram regularly participated in these functions and shared his dynamic and vibrant spiritual discoveries and experiences with the vallalar devotees. In addition to several books and articles, he has written a major spiritual research book, his magnum opus, on the comparative study of Sri Aurobindo’s philosophy with Vallalar’s deathless body and Thirumoolar, titled as “Arut Perum Jyothi and Deathless Body”(meaning- Vast Grace Light and Deathless Body). In this book he has translated many relevant parts from vallalar’s final writings i.e. 6th Volume (Thirumurai) from Tamil version in to English, thereby bringing to light the unparallel experiences and subtle spiritual process of Vallalar’s gross physical body transforming to an ageless, timeless and deathless triple body, outpouring the supremely compassionate vast grace light. Thulasiram further reveals that since attaining this deathless triple body in 1874, Vallalar has been very actively functioning in this world and universe. In his writings he says that even though Sri Aurobindo had the concrete possibility of attaining this deathless body he had chosen a supreme divine sacrifice for the sake of a collective possibility of the supramental manifestation upon the earth consciousness and human evolutionary race.
When the Mother was still continuing the further process of manifesting the Supramental Light, Thulasiram had approached her with his findings and notes on Vallalar’s physical body transformation experiences culminating in to deathlessness on which she said this corresponded to her own experiences. Finally the Mother brought down the Supramental light in 1956. Sri Aurobindo ashram, in the true spirit of the Integral yoga and with a catholicity of spirit, has permitted Thulasiram to conduct this comparative spiritual research studies and still he continues his sadhana in the perfect spiritual environment of the ashram.
From the ancient times, the siddha lineage (Realized Yogis) in India preached that the divine light could be experienced and manifested in our physical body. The 18 siddhas in India have left a rich spiritual treasure in the form of thousands of highly subtle poems in Tamil Language. There are clear and elusive guidelines on Pranayama, Yogasanas, Spiritual Dieting and fasting etc. Their philosophical experiences says that ” if the individual “I” consciousness is transcended then a human can become the divine(Seevan becomes Sivam)” and ” Death will materialize as soon as the Divine Light( Sivam or Soul) leaves the body”. Sri Aurobindo and Mother belong to this Siddha lineage that brought down the Supramamental Light for the evolution of mankind in to divine.
The early spiritual movement in South India can be traced back to the Bhakthi (Yoga of Devotion) movement of Saint Ramanuja and Saivaite Philosophy of God, Soul and bondage (Pathi, Pasu, Pasam).
Jesus Christ and Mohammad the Prophet had created mass Religious- Spiritual movements by leading their respective Jewish and Arab communities to the path of universal divinity.
Buddha and Mahavira have left significant contribution to the Indian spiritual history and created a mass following in China, South East Asia and rest of the world. The last century saw the Spiritual and social impact established by Arya Samaj in Punjab, Ramakrishna Mission in Bengal and Vallalar’s movement of Universal Oneness and Compassion to All living Beings (Samarasa Sudha Sanmarga Sangam) in Tamil Nadu.
While Arya Samaj and Ramakrishna Mission established rules and regulations for their functioning, Vallalars’ Samarasa Suddha Sanmargam( Universal Brotherhood Movement) functions freely as various nucleus units and focused on preaching Non-violence, Vegetarianism and Worship of the lit-up light as symbolic of the Supreme divine and concentrating the light of the soul at the mid forehead (anjya center) as the means through which even a common man can attain further evolution and deathless body.
On Jan 30 1874 Vallalar dematerialized his deathless divine triple body in his room in Siddhi Vallaga Maligai ( Temple of deathless Divine Realization) in Mettukuppam village, 120 kilometers off Pondicherry. And on the same day he had entered in to all the physical bodies and every atomic substance of the earth, universe and beyond. His last poems and public discourses clearly says that with his supramental deathless body powers he will continue in his divine mission of evolving and transforming all the human beings and influencing the global events for the advent of evolutionary age.
Since 1980 Thulasiram has been living a pure suddha sanmarga spiritual life and took it as the divinely ordained and dedicated life-long mission to bring to light Vallalars’ dematerialization of his deathless body and what happened to his life and existence beyond. As a spiritual practice in manifesting Vallalars’ deathless divine powers in his own body, Thulasiram chants the mantra ” Arut Perum Jyothi Arutperum Jyothi Thanip Perum Karunai Arut Perum Jyothi (means- Vast Grace Light Vast Grace Light Supreme Compassion Vast Grace Light) and regularly takes his food by simultaneously touching the vallalars’ photo with his left fingers. In a very scientific spiritual way he has discovered the usage of small magnets in capturing and measuring Vallalar’s deathless body powers and vibrations as a comparative spiritual tool. And he has graded and named the magnets as APJ 36 for Vallalars’ Siddhi Valagam Temple (Temple of deathless Divine Realization) and APJ 36 for world bodies like UNO, thereby proving that any spiritual aspirant can easily feel and experience the concrete existence of Vallalars’ power and vibrations prevailing and functioning all over the world, behind every human being and every positive global event. He also published research articles on small magnets, which captures and grades the spiritual vibrations and physical body powers of various spiritual personalities and saints as comparative scientific-spiritual study, which enables to measure the spiritual-physical power of any spiritual aspirant.
Thulasiram says that he had the vision of Vallalar’s deathless divinized triple body surrounded by the luminous and transparent white light in his Pondicherry ashram residence in 1981. According to him, after the dematerialization of Vallalar’s deathless body, as revealed by his scientific magnetic grading of APJ 36, the potential possibilities for further spiritual evolution for the mankind and earth are imminent.
Other well-known contemporary spiritual personalities like Swami Saravanananda of Dindugal, Sri Vedathri Maharishi of Coimbatore, and Swami Satchidananda of Yogaville Ashram in USA have said that Vallalar’s divine light is concretely leading them in their respective spiritual missions around the world. Vallalar’s powerful presence can be felt in the temples constructed by the above respective saints i.e. Dayavu Alayam (Temple of Compassion) in Chinnalapatti, near Dindugal, Tamil Nadu in India, Arivu Thiru Koil ( Temple of Divine Wisdom or Omkara Temple) in Aliyar, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu in India and Yogaville in Virginia, USA, which bears testimony to the fact that Vallalar is more active than ever after the dematerialization of his deathless body.
I have compiled and published Vallalar’s poetic works translated in the Indian languages of Hindi, Malayalam and Oriya. I am also in the process of publishing various other works of Vallalar and Suddha Sanmargam. Thulasiram’s this book titled ” Ulagil Arut Perum Jyothium Vallalarin Erava Muddhega Arulatchium” (means – Vast Grace Light in this world and Vallalar’s universal rule of grace through his deathless triple body). I wish that the English version of this book should be published soon and it will be useful to all the spiritual aspirants to experience the grace of Arut Perum Jyothi( Vast Grace Light) in manifesting in their soul and body. I heartily congratulate Sri Thulasiram for this foremost, path breaking and spiritual-scientific research work.
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Note:Auro-Ma- Ramalingam Trust is grateful to Dr N.Mahalingam for his unflinching support in publishing Sri Thulasiram’s comparative spiritual research books and articles. He is truly a karma yogi and divine instrument of Vallalar in doing a very great spiritual service despite his demanding responsibilities as one of the leading industrialists in India. Besides being a versatile scholar, Agricultural Scientist, Gandhian, former elected member of Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly, social economist and educationist he has contributed immensely to the modern world by bringing to light various ancient spiritual knowledge, siddhar and yogic traditions, Ancient Civilization, Tamil music and culture in India.
Translated from the original Tamil Version