Spirituality & Yoga

Auro-Ma-Ramalingam Trust

“Om Anandamayi, Chaitanyamayi, Satyamayi Parame”

“Where she presses her feet course miraculous streams of an entrancing Ananda”

– Sri Aurobindo in “The Mother”



This websitesite and all its’ work are humbly Dedicated to the Lotus Feet of the Divine Mother.


I am thankful to Sri Aurobindo Ashram Trust, which is a spiritual scientific research Institution, for giving permission to publish the words of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother as well as their pictures and the pictures of the Ashram etc in my publications.


This spiritual research was done not as a thesis but as a part of my spiritual discipline. The ringing words of truth of the Swami Ramalingam’s poems and Sri Aurobindo’s and Mother’s works have sustained me to the very end for making a patient comparative study. Where meanings were not clear, I had to wait till one day in a silent hour of concentration they became clear. The special help of the ashram atmosphere was always there to guide me at each stage.


I am particularly thankful to Sri Arabinda Basu, Director of Sri Aurobindo Research Academy and Professor of Philosophy of Sri Aurobindo International Center of Education, Pondicherry, for encouraging me to do this comparative study and also making me participate in a seminar on the ” Swami’s Yoga” held at the Madurai University in February 1972.


I offer my heart-felt sweet thanks to Dr.N.Mahalingam, president of Ramalinga Mission, Madras, for coming forward, with a benevolent catholic spirit and a spiritual free from Institutionalism, to give his active and unreserved support in all the ways needed for doing this research and getting my books published. His intense zeal and ardour for propagating the Divine Light itself in the form of a lit-up light as the central and essential object of common worship for all religious and spiritual schools, but without interfering in their respective modes of worship of symbolical forms or of their founders, is highly commendable and it is gathering strength towards the fulfillment, because all religions and schools of spiritual discipline commonly believe and accept the Light as the goal.


I am thankful to Monsieur Alain Grandcolas of Sri Aurobindo Ashram for translating the mantra of Arut Perum Jyothi in to French. Sri Sai Vara Prasad typed almost the whole of the manuscript in a spirit of dedicated devotional free service of love. Sri Naik Gulab Bhai Maganlal and his son Rajnikant of the Ashram have taken the photos of the Swami’s shrines at vadalur and Mettukuppam. Sri Ranjan Kulkarni, artist of the ashram, gave a good design logo for the cover page. I am also thankful to Sri R.Srinivasan, Prosperity Department of Sri Aurobindo Ashram.My heart-felt thanks are due to all and each of them for their kind help and selfless divine service.


My thanks and gratitude to Swami Siddha Narahari of Siddhasram, Madurai, Dr.Su.Pa. Annamalai, a noted Tamil scholar, principal of Tyagaraja College, Madurai and an authority on Vallalar’s Philosophy. I am grateful to Sri P.V.Raghava Raju, Dy.Director, Cheif Engineers’ Office, Hyderabad, a long time devotee of the Ashram as well as of the Swami, for helping me with some fitting quotations and references from Sri Aurobindo’s and Mother’s vast literature. His help opened in me clues to a possible connection and even identity between the so-called Superman Consciousness and Swami Ramalingam’s dematerialized consciousness.

I also acknowledge with thanks the courtesy of Vadalur Devasthanams for allowing the photos to be taken and published.


My respectful thanks are offered to Sri V.A.Devendran, M.A., B.O.L., Professor of Hindi, American College, Madurai for transliterating in to Roman sanskrit the whole text of “Tatva lokas and Karanateeta lokas” of Swami. I also thanks Sri R.Subramanyam of the French Institute of Indology, Pondicherry and Sri Jaleshwar of the ashram for their help in this respect. I am profoundly thankful to the University of Madras and its respective vice-chanceller Sri N.D.Sundaravadivelu and his successors in office, namely, Sri Malcom D.Adiseshiah and Sr G.R.Damodaran. My thanks are also offered to Sri C.K.Kumarasamy, the Registrar of the university, for his ready help and co-operation in all matters concerning the publication. I also extend my heart-felt thanks to Dr V.Jayadevan and Dr.N.Veezhinathan of the University for their patient proof-reading services. My thanks and appreciation are extended to the printers namely, Avvai Achchuk Koodam, Madras and N.I.A.Press, Pollachi.


Sri Aurobindo Ashram
35, Rue Saint Louis Street,
Pondicherry 605001


Editor’s Note:   Auro-Ma-Ramalingam.Org (or trust) & Aumra-Trust.Org (or trust) are not affiliated to any Organization including Sri Aurobindo Ashram. The Supramental-spiritual Research views expressed and published in our works, books, website etc., are entirely based on the respective Supramental-spiritual experiences of Sri T.R.Thulasiram and Sri Gangadharan, who were the disciples of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. Both Sri Gangadharan and Sri T.R.Thulasiram had lived and practiced the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo for several decades in Sri Aurobindo Ashram, until they passed away. Their views and experiences, expressed in their works, as a result of their diverse Supramental Divine experiences, need not be considered as the official views of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, which is exclusively dedicated to the Integral Yoga of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother. All the research work and experiences of Sri Gangadharan and Sri T.R.Thulasiram are being disseminated for the benefit of all the spiritual aspirants in the world, irrespective of their schools of faith and practice of yoga. Wherever you find the opinions or comments from the Editor of this website, titled as ‘Editor’s Note,’ you can consider that they are the personal opinions of the Editor, which are made out of his spiritual study & interpretations on the works of Sri T.R.Thulasiram and Sri Gangadharan.


Auro-ma-ramalingam.org and Aumra-trust.org are dedicated in the task of worldwide dissemination of: (a) the Supramental evolutionary teachings and realization of Sri Aurobindo and Mother (b) Supramental Deathless Divine Body realization and Universal Grace Rule of Swami Ramalingam(alias Vallalar) (c) Science and Techniques of Supramental Yoga from the ancient Yoga classic called as “Tirumandiram” ( A Garland of 3,000 mantras or Tamil Vedic Hymns – an unparallel compilation of advanced Yoga techniques, which are completely revealed with more frankness than Patanjali Yoga sutras, with nine Tantras consisting of such gems of spiritual treasures on kundalini yoga, samadhi yoga,kecari yoga,tantra or paryanga yoga, chandra yoga,kriya yoga and siddha medical practices just to name a few), of Saint Thirumoolar, the pioneer of Supramental Knowledge and realization.


Any profits arising from the sale of books, cassettes, CDs, yoga of magnets etc., published and released by Auro-Ma-Ramalingam Trust and Aumra Trust as well as any donations or contributions received will be entirely devoted to spread the evolutionary effects of Supramental Action of Sri Aurobindo, Mother, Swami Ramalingam and Thirumoolar, upon the earth and its people for the advent of Supramental race.

All photos, pictures, words and publications of Sri Aurobindo and Mother are copyrighted by Sri Aurobindo Ashram and/or Sri Aurobindo Trust, Pondicherry, India, and can’t be reproduced or copied without their permission.


Auro-Ma-Ramalingam trust would like to extend it’s heart-felt thanks to Mr. Leo Rajasekaran, CEO of E-Venturers Pvt.Ltd., and his professional team for their dedicated, honest, untiring and sincere work in designing and making this website, with a world- class standard and outlook, in the true spiritual service spirit as preached by the Incarnation of Divine Love – Jesus Christ.


The Office of Auro-Ma-Ramalingam Trust would like to put on record the divine service rendered by Mrs. Usha Balu Subramanian for typing all the Divine charts for this site.