Auro – Ma – Ramalingam Trust
Sree..Ram Jai Ram..Jai Jai Rama O..m..
Sri Rama Jai Rama. Jaya Jaya Rama O..m..
Sree..Ma Jai Ma..Jai Jai Ma O..m..
Srimayi Jaimayi.Jaya Jaya Ma O..m..
Sree..Krishna Sree..Krishna Krishnaya Nama O..m..
Hari Krishna Hari Krishna.. Krishna Krishna Nama O..m..
Each of the said three mantras and the Siva mantras (TM 912) of Tirumoolar has been found effective and powerful by Sri Gangadharan of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, giving him the following experience. In the Great Silence that ensued after the meditative chant – the vocal chant followed by the mental for about an hour, – deep Peace and Light surrounded him and Omkara sound was heard, and his physical body joined in its essence with his pure white subtle body which in turn joined with his soul’s luminous body. The process of integration takes place in the heart centre, first the physical body (i.e., its essence) rising up to the head and then coming down to the feet and back to the heart centre to complete its integration with the subtle body. Similarly the subtle body joins with the luminous body. Then, his integrated luminous body, along with his spiritual consciousness of soul as united with the Self, ascended to the vast Truth-world of Supermind, after passing through the several overhead planes and the Void. Gangadharan experienced the pure white Light of Grace in the Truth-world, and at a lower level therein he saw directly in the lower Ponnambalam the Golden Truth-world of Golden Light, the Siva-Sakti Dance in their blissful and luminous Truth-Physical Bodies and also their circumgyrating dance in bodily union, and then he returned in his integrated luminous body to the earth. Now the three bodies became distinct to enter into his system (adhara); At first the physical entered with a great inrush or the transforming “Golden Red Light” into all the cells of the physical body, then followed by the entry of the subtle along with the luminous, accompanied by a similar rush of the “Golden Light” into the whole adhara. His room was also filled with the Golden Light.
At the beginning of the chant of the respective Mantras, Gangadharan felt for a while the Presence of Thirumoolar, Swami Ramadoss of Kanhangad (Mangalore), The Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram, Sri Krishna, as the case may be when taking up each mantra on a different day in the order of Siva mantra, Ram Mantra, Ma mantra, Krishna mantra, respectively.
In the case of Krishna mantra, the vision broke out with the scene of battlefield in which Sri Krishna was seen preaching to Arjuna and this vision disappeared and was soon replaced by Sri Aurobindo appearing in His benign luminous Golden Form. Later, during the ascent of Gangadharan to the Truth-world, Sri Aurobindo was replaced by the Mother of Sri Aurobindo Ashram especially at a stage in the ascent when an obstructing golden Dome was opened by Her with a stroke of golden hammer and as a result Golden Light rushed downwards to the earth whereas Gangadharan ascended into the Truth-World receiving the golden light in his body also.