Vallalar re-Incarnations – A disclaimer & Legal Warning
“It has come to the notice of Auro-Ma-Ramalingam Trust’s Board of Management in India that certain individuals are claiming to be re-incarnation of Swami Ramalingam(alias Vallalar Swami or Saint Vallalar) and they are trying to use the books, research articles, pictures, websites, spiritual materials etc published and released by Auro-Ma-Ramalingam Trust (hereinafter called as “Trust” and originally written by its founder trustee Sri T.R.Thulasiram, with the sole purpose of falsely claiming that their re-incarnation was validated by the spiritual research writings of the trust founder. The trust wholly disclaims such a fraudulent misrepresentation being committed by such individuals or persons and issues a legal warning as hereunder.
These kind of misrepresentations by misusing the trust’s published spiritual works and its author’s original research materials, (which are wholly protected by Indian and International copyright laws and patent regulations) are not only wholly, outrightly and outrageously illegal but also a misleading fraudulent activity, amounting to cheating thousands of innocent people all around the world, who does not know the Tamil language(the original south Indian ancient language in which Swami Ramalingam’s spiritual books and poetry are written). The Trust will take legal action against any such an individual or organization that uses the trust’s original spiritual findings, research articles, spiritual techniques and methods of practices, that are wholly based on the spiritual experiences, findings and discoveries of the trust’s founder Sri T.R.Thulasiram, if these are found to be carried out with the ulterior objective of misleading or misrepresenting the international spiritual audience or seekers or general public in the name of calling oneself as the re-incarnation of Swami Ramalingam.
The Trust’s founder-author Sri T.R.Thulasiram has clarified several times that Swami Ramalingam(alias Vallalar) has attained a fully divinized deathless physical body and if he wants to re-incarnate he would simply re-form his Triple Deathless Radiant Physical Body by physically re-materializing himself (please see the manner in which he has physically appeared to Sri T.R.Thulasriam in 1981 in the following link of our w/site, without having to go through the otherwise mundane biological process of taking an ordinary birth through pregnancy etc. Swami Ramalingam has himself clearly explained the deathless attributes of his immortal physical body, which are clearly translated into English by Sri T.R.Thulasiram in his magnum opus “Arut Perum Jyothi & Deathless Body” published by the University of Madras, India. Such fraudulent persons who are making such wild claims of re-incarnation and thereby cheating several foreigners in foreign lands should be able to demonstrate at least one attribute of Vallalar’s Triple Deathless Body to their innocent followers. Even to call oneself as a re-incarnation of Vallalar is such a very risky and adventurous thing as it would be too difficult to prove even a fundamental understanding of the deathless body that he has attained, leave alone even entertaining the thoughts of becoming his re-incarnation! Such persons could easily find gullible believers only in the foreign countries, where one does not know the original Tamil language or the deathless body philosophy of Swami Ramalingam!
Samarasa Suddha Sanmarga Sangam(Universal Spiritual Brotherhood Association), the original foundation established by Swami Ramalingam(alias Vallalar Swamigal) in the 18th century at Vadalur in Tamil Nadu State, near Pondicherry in South India, and its registered and recognised affiliates in India and several overseas countries have more than 5 million followers, wholly devoted and dedicated in propagating the path of deathlessness as the highest form of spiritual evolution for the human beings. As the original philosophical works of Swami Ramalingam is in the ancient Tamil language as well as very few authentic translations are available in the English and foreign languages to the International spiritual seekers, such gullible claims of re-incarnation are happening without any remorse. With a view to prevent this as well as to educate, enlighten and properly guide the international spiritual seekers, a new body is now created in the name of ” International Samarasa Sanmarga Sangam” in India. This is an International umbrella organization, which brings under its fold all the satellite units of Sanmarga Sangam functioning in several parts of the world. Now this international body has taken this task of preventing these kinds of fraudulent misrepresentations being carried out in the name of Swami Ramalingam, his spiritual works and deathlessbody philosophy.”